
1824 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

(510) 644-1033



Monday to Saturday 10:30-6
Sunday 11-6

*** CLOSED ***

“GEORGE has taken the debate over the ethical treatment of animals to a whole new level.” – San Francisco Magazine

On an early spring day in 1987, as the first cherry and apple blossoms were bursting forth from the bare, winter-stripped branches, a wire hair fox terrier was born in the Bronx. (No, not exactly Bethlehem, but what do you want?) A couple of months later, the lucky puppy was lovingly adopted by Bobby Wise and Lyndon Lambert (themselves natives of the Lone Star State), whisked off to Manhattan, and named George, in roughly that order. Soon thereafter, the three of them did what folks have been doing since the Gold Rush, they moved to San Francisco.

Fast forward four years. Bobby and Lyndon are deeply in love with their dog, and vice-versa, but find the range of available pet products madly uninspiring – and actually rather grating to their aesthetic sensibilities not to mention the décor of their very cute apartment. Hence, the epiphany. What would happen (they mused) if you designed goods that were as pleasing to look at and live with as they were to chew, sleep on, wear, and eat out of? Four years after the birth of George the dog, George the company was born.