
1816 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

(510) 665-5461



Monday to Saturday 10-6
Sunday 11-7

*** CLOSED ***

They make the little stuff better. The stuff you have that isn’t noticed first, but can’t be ignored. They pay attention to it. They argue about it. They work day and night to make the little stuff as good as it can be, so when you wear it, you feel like you’ve got a leg up on the rest of the world.

Nixon believes that you deserve a lot of respect. When you choose to wear a watch, or select a wallet to hold your hard earned cash, or want to put the final touch on your steez, you deserve to have something that reflects your entire package. You may not know how to say it, but you’ve got something to say. Dammit brothers and sisters, you can’t slap on an off-the-shelf piece and consider yourself you. Can you? That’s why we started Nixon and that’s why, 15 years later, we’re still here.